-- The Agda standard library
-- An either-or-both data type, basic type and operations

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Data.These.Base where

open import Level
open import Data.Sum.Base using (_⊎_; [_,_]′)
open import Function.Base

    a b c d e f : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b
    C : Set c
    D : Set d
    E : Set e
    F : Set f

data These {a b} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) : Set (a  b) where
  this  : A      These A B
  that  :     B  These A B
  these : A  B  These A B

-- Operations

-- injection

fromSum : A  B  These A B
fromSum = [ this , that ]′

-- map

map : (f : A  B) (g : C  D)  These A C  These B D
map f g (this a)    = this (f a)
map f g (that b)    = that (g b)
map f g (these a b) = these (f a) (g b)

map₁ : (f : A  B)  These A C  These B C
map₁ f = map f id

map₂ : (g : B  C)  These A B  These A C
map₂ = map id

-- fold

fold : (A  C)  (B  C)  (A  B  C)  These A B  C
fold l r lr (this a)    = l a
fold l r lr (that b)    = r b
fold l r lr (these a b) = lr a b

foldWithDefaults : A  B  (A  B  C)  These A B  C
foldWithDefaults a b lr = fold (flip lr b) (lr a) lr

-- swap

swap : These A B  These B A
swap = fold that this (flip these)

-- align

alignWith : (These A C  E)  (These B D  F)  These A B  These C D  These E F
alignWith f g (this a)    (this c)    = this (f (these a c))
alignWith f g (this a)    (that d)    = these (f (this a)) (g (that d))
alignWith f g (this a)    (these c d) = these (f (these a c)) (g (that d))
alignWith f g (that b)    (this c)    = these (f (that c)) (g (this b))
alignWith f g (that b)    (that d)    = that (g (these b d))
alignWith f g (that b)    (these c d) = these (f (that c)) (g (these b d))
alignWith f g (these a b) (this c)    = these (f (these a c)) (g (this b))
alignWith f g (these a b) (that d)    = these (f (this a)) (g (these b d))
alignWith f g (these a b) (these c d) = these (f (these a c)) (g (these b d))

align : These A B  These C D  These (These A C) (These B D)
align = alignWith id id

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