{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
module IK.Norm.NbE.Reification where

open import Data.Unit    using ( ; tt)
open import Data.Product using (Σ ; _×_ ; _,_)

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_ ; refl ; sym ; trans ; cong ; cong₂)

open import FunExt

open import IK.Norm.NbE.Model

open import IK.Term

reify   : Tm' Γ a  Nf Γ a
reflect : Ne Γ a   Tm' Γ a

var0' : Tm' (Γ `, a) a
var0' = reflect (var zero)

-- interpretation of neutrals
reflect {a = ι}     n = up n
reflect {a = a  b} n = λ e x  reflect (app (wkNe e n) (reify x))
reflect {a =  a}   n = box' (reflect (unbox n new))

-- reify values to normal forms
reify {a = ι}     n = n
reify {a = a  b} f = lam (reify (f (drop idWk) var0'))
reify {a =  a}   b = let box' x = b in box (reify x)

-- identity substitution
idₛ' : Sub' Γ Γ
idₛ' {[]}     = tt
idₛ' {Γ `, x} = wkSub' (drop idWk) idₛ' , var0'
idₛ' {Γ #}    = lock (idₛ' {Γ}) new

-- reflect and reify are natural transformations

-- reflect : Ne- a →̇ Tm'- a
-- reify   : Tm'- a →̇ Nf'- a

-- naturality of reflect
nat-reflect : (w : Γ  Γ') (n : Ne Γ a)  reflect (wkNe w n)  wkTm' w (reflect n)
nat-reflect {a = ι}     w n = refl
nat-reflect {a = a  b} w n = funexti'  _  funext  _  funext  _
   cong  z  reflect (app z (reify _))) (wkNePres∙ w _ n))))
nat-reflect {a =  a}   w n = cong box' (nat-reflect (keep# w) (unbox n nil))

-- image of reflect is in Psh
psh-reflect : (n : Ne Γ a)  Psh (reflect n)
-- naturality of reify
nat-reify : (w : Γ  Γ') (x : Tm' Γ a)  Psh x  reify (wkTm' w x)  wkNf w (reify x)

-- psh-reflect
psh-reflect {a = ι}     n = tt
psh-reflect {a = a  b} n = λ w x px
    w'  trans
       (cong reflect
         (cong₂ app (sym (wkNePres∙ _ _ _)) (nat-reify _ _ px)))
       (nat-reflect w' (app (wkNe w n) (reify x))))
  , psh-reflect (app (wkNe w n) _)
psh-reflect {a =  a}  n = psh-reflect (unbox n nil)

-- nat-reify
nat-reify {a = ι}         w x   pn
  = refl
nat-reify {Γ} {a = a  b} w f   pf
  = let (nf , pfx) = pf fresh var0' (psh-reflect {Γ = _ `, a} var0)
  in cong lam
      (cong reify
          (cong₂ f
            (cong drop (trans (rightIdWk _) (sym (leftIdWk _))))
            (nat-reflect (keep w) var0))
          (nf (keep w))))
      (nat-reify (keep w) (f fresh var0') pfx))
nat-reify {a =  a}       w  b  pb
  = let box' x = b in cong box (nat-reify (keep# w) x pb)

-- idₛ' is in Pshₛ
psh-idₛ' : Pshₛ (idₛ' {Γ})
psh-idₛ' {[]}     = tt
psh-idₛ' {Γ `, a} = wkSub'PresPsh fresh (idₛ' {Γ}) (psh-idₛ' {Γ}) , psh-reflect {Γ `, a} var0
psh-idₛ' {Γ #}    = psh-idₛ' {Γ}

Generated from commit 2fd14c996b195ef101dff8919e837907ca0a08aa.