{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
module IS4.Applications.Purity where

open import Relation.Nullary using (_because_; yes; no)

open import Relation.Binary.Definitions           using (Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_ ; refl ; cong ; cong₂)

data Ty : Set where
  Unit : Ty
  𝕔    : Ty
  _⇒_  : Ty  Ty  Ty
  ◻_   : Ty  Ty
  T    : Ty  Ty

    a b c d : Ty

Ty-Decidable : Decidable (_≡_ {A = Ty})
Ty-Decidable Unit    Unit    = yes refl
Ty-Decidable Unit    𝕔       = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable Unit    (a  b) = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable Unit    ( a)   = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable Unit    (T a)   = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable 𝕔       Unit    = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable 𝕔       𝕔       = yes refl
Ty-Decidable 𝕔       (a  b) = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable 𝕔       ( a)   = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable 𝕔       (T a)   = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable (a  b) Unit    = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable (a  b) 𝕔       = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable (a  b) (c  d) with Ty-Decidable a c | Ty-Decidable b d
... | yes a≡c  | yes b≡d     = yes (cong₂ _⇒_ a≡c b≡d)
... | yes a≡c  | no  ¬b≡d    = no  λ { refl  ¬b≡d refl }
... | no  ¬a≡c | yes b≡d     = no  λ { refl  ¬a≡c refl }
... | no  ¬a≡c | no  ¬b≡d    = no  λ { refl  ¬a≡c refl }
Ty-Decidable (a  b) ( c)   = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable (a  b) (T c)   = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable ( a)   Unit    = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable ( a)   𝕔       = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable ( a)   (b  c) = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable ( a)   ( b)   with Ty-Decidable a b
... | yes a≡b                = yes (cong ◻_ a≡b)
... | no  ¬a≡b               = no  λ { refl  ¬a≡b refl }
Ty-Decidable ( a)   (T b)   = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable (T a)   Unit    = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable (T a)   𝕔       = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable (T a)   (b  c) = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable (T a)   ( b)   = no  λ ()
Ty-Decidable (T a)   (T b)   with Ty-Decidable a b
... | yes a≡b                = yes (cong T a≡b)
... | no  ¬a≡b               = no  λ { refl  ¬a≡b refl }

open import Context Ty Ty-Decidable hiding (ext#) public

-- Variables, terms and substituions

-- Moggi's monadic metalanguage
data Tm : Ctx  Ty  Set where

  var  : Var Γ a
        Tm Γ a

  lam  : Tm (Γ `, a) b
        Tm Γ (a  b)

  app  : Tm Γ (a  b)  Tm Γ a
        Tm Γ b

  box   : Tm (Γ #) a
         Tm Γ ( a)

  unbox : Tm ΓL ( a)  CExt Γ ΓL ΓR
         Tm Γ a

  unit : Tm Γ Unit

  ret : Tm Γ a  Tm Γ (T a)

  let-in : Tm Γ (T a)  Tm (Γ `, a) (T b)  Tm Γ (T b)

  print : Tm Γ 𝕔  Tm Γ (T Unit)

TM : Ty  Ctx  Set
TM a Γ = Tm Γ a

wkTm : Γ  Γ'  Tm Γ a  Tm Γ' a
wkTm w (var x)      =  var (wkVar w x)
wkTm w (lam t)      = lam (wkTm (keep w) t)
wkTm w (app t u)    = app (wkTm w t) (wkTm w u)
wkTm w (box t)      = box (wkTm (keep# w) t)
wkTm w (unbox t e)  = unbox (wkTm (factorWk e w) t) (factorExt e w)
wkTm w unit         = unit
wkTm w (print t)    = print (wkTm w t)
wkTm w (let-in t u) = let-in (wkTm w t) (wkTm (keep w) u)
wkTm w (ret t)      = ret (wkTm w t)

-- extension that "generates a new context frame"
new : CExt (Γ #) Γ ([] #) -- Γ R Γ #
new = ext#- nil

new[_] = λ Γ  new {Γ}

open Substitution Tm var wkTm CExt new lCtx factorWk rCtx factorExt public
  renaming (module Composition to SubstitutionComposition)

-- "Left" context of factoring with a substitution (see factorExtₛ)
lCtxₛ : (e : CExt Γ ΓL ΓR) (s : Sub Δ Γ)  Ctx
lCtxₛ {Δ = Δ} nil       s           = Δ
lCtxₛ         (ext e)   (s `, t)    = lCtxₛ e s
lCtxₛ         (ext#- e) (lock s e') = lCtxₛ e s

-- "Right" context of factoring with a substitution (see factorExtₛ)
rCtxₛ : (e : CExt Γ ΓL ΓR) (s : Sub Δ Γ)  Ctx
rCtxₛ nil       s                     = []
rCtxₛ (ext e)   (s `, t)              = rCtxₛ e s
rCtxₛ (ext#- e) (lock {ΔR = ΔR} s e') = rCtxₛ e s ,, ΔR

factorExtₛ : (e : CExt Γ ΓL ΓR) (s : Sub Δ Γ)  CExt Δ (lCtxₛ e s) (rCtxₛ e s)
factorExtₛ nil       s           = nil
factorExtₛ (ext e)   (s `, _)    = factorExtₛ e s
factorExtₛ (ext#- e) (lock s e') = extRAssoc (factorExtₛ e s) e'

factorSubₛ : (e : CExt Γ ΓL ΓR) (s : Sub Δ Γ)  Sub (lCtxₛ e s) ΓL
factorSubₛ nil       s           = s
factorSubₛ (ext e)   (s `, t)    = factorSubₛ e s
factorSubₛ (ext#- e) (lock s e') = factorSubₛ e s

-- apply substitution to a term
substTm : Sub Δ Γ  Tm Γ a  Tm Δ a
substTm s                              (var x)
  = substVar s x
substTm s                              (lam t)
  = lam (substTm (wkSub fresh s `, var zero) t)
substTm s                              (app t u)
  = app (substTm s t) (substTm s u)
substTm s                              (box t)
  = box (substTm (lock s (ext#- nil)) t)
substTm s                              (unbox t nil)
  = unbox (substTm s t) nil
substTm (s `, _)                       (unbox t (ext e))
  = substTm s (unbox t e)
substTm (lock s nil)                   (unbox t (ext#- e))
  = substTm s (unbox t e)
substTm (lock s (ext e'))              (unbox t (ext#- e))
  = wkTm fresh (substTm (lock s e') (unbox t (ext#- e)))
substTm (lock s (ext#- e'))            (unbox t (ext#- nil))
  = unbox (substTm s t) (ext#- e')
substTm (lock (s `, _) (ext#- e'))     (unbox t (ext#- (ext e)))
  = substTm (lock s (ext#- e')) (unbox t (ext#- e))
substTm (lock (lock s e'') (ext#- e')) (unbox t (ext#- (ext#- e)))
  = substTm (lock s (ext#- (extRAssoc e'' e'))) (unbox t (ext#- e))
substTm s                              unit
  = unit
substTm s                              (print t)
  = print (substTm s t)
substTm s                              (let-in t u)
  = let-in (substTm s t) (substTm (wkSub fresh s `, var zero) u)
substTm s                              (ret t)
  = ret (substTm s t)

open SubstitutionComposition substTm lCtxₛ factorSubₛ rCtxₛ factorExtₛ public

open import Data.Unit  using ( ; tt)
open import Data.Product  using (Σ ; _×_ ; _,_)

-- Normal forms
data Ne : Ctx  Ty  Set
data Nf : Ctx  Ty  Set

data Ne where
  var   : Var Γ a  Ne Γ a
  app   : Ne Γ (a  b)  Nf Γ a  Ne Γ b
  unbox : Ne ΓL ( a)  CExt Γ ΓL ΓR  Ne Γ a

data Nf where
  up           : Ne Γ 𝕔  Nf Γ 𝕔
  lam          : Nf (Γ `, a) b  Nf Γ (a  b)
  box          : Nf (Γ #) a  Nf Γ ( a)
  ret          : Nf Γ a  Nf Γ (T a)
  let-in       : Ne Γ (T a)  Nf (Γ `, a) (T b)  Nf Γ (T b)
  unit         : Nf Γ Unit
  print        : Nf Γ 𝕔  Nf Γ (T Unit)
  let-print-in : Ne Γ 𝕔  Nf (Γ `, Unit) (T b)  Nf Γ (T b)

-- embedding into terms

embNe : Ne Γ a  Tm Γ a
embNf : Nf Γ a  Tm Γ a

embNe (var   x)   = var x
embNe (app   m n) = app (embNe m) (embNf n)
embNe (unbox n x) = unbox (embNe n) x

embNf (up  x)            = embNe x
embNf (lam n)            = lam (embNf n)
embNf (box n)            = box (embNf n)
embNf (ret t)            = ret (embNf t)
embNf (let-in n t)       = let-in (embNe n) (embNf t)
embNf unit               = unit
embNf (print t)          = print (embNf t)
embNf (let-print-in x t) = let-in (print (embNe x)) (embNf t)

-- weakening lemmas

wkNe : Γ  Γ'  Ne Γ a  Ne Γ' a
wkNf : Γ  Γ'  Nf Γ a  Nf Γ' a

wkNe w (var   x)   = var (wkVar w x)
wkNe w (app   m n) = app (wkNe w m) (wkNf w n)
wkNe w (unbox n e) = unbox (wkNe (factorWk e w) n) (factorExt e w)

wkNf e (up  x)            = up  (wkNe e x)
wkNf e (lam n)            = lam (wkNf (keep e) n)
wkNf e (box n)            = box (wkNf (keep# e) n)
wkNf e (ret t)            = ret (wkNf e t)
wkNf e (let-in x t)       = let-in (wkNe e x) (wkNf (keep e) t)
wkNf e unit               = unit
wkNf e (print t)          = print (wkNf e t)
wkNf e (let-print-in x t) = let-print-in (wkNe e x) (wkNf (keep e) t)

NF NE : Ty  Ctx  Set
NF a Γ = Nf Γ a
NE a Γ = Ne Γ a

-- NbE Model

  A B C : Ctx  Set

-- family of maps between interpretations
_→̇_ : (Ctx  Set)  (Ctx  Set)  Set
_→̇_ A B = {Δ : Ctx}  A Δ  B Δ

infixr 10 _→̇_

-- constructions on context-indexed families of sets
_⇒'_ : (Ctx  Set)  (Ctx  Set)  (Ctx  Set)
_⇒'_ A B Γ = {Γ' : Ctx}  Γ  Γ'  A Γ'  B Γ'

_×'_ : (Ctx  Set)  (Ctx  Set)  (Ctx  Set)
_×'_ A B Γ = A Γ × B Γ

Box : (Ctx  Set)  (Ctx  Set)
Box A ΓL = {ΓL' Γ ΓR : Ctx}  ΓL  ΓL'  CExt Γ ΓL' ΓR  A Γ

-- semantic counterpart of `lock` from `Sub`
data Lock (A : Ctx  Set) : Ctx  Set where
  lock : A ΓL  CExt Γ ΓL ΓR   Lock A Γ

⊤' : (Ctx  Set)
⊤' = λ Γ  

data Print (A : Ctx  Set) : Ctx  Set where
  η     : A →̇ Print A
  print : NE 𝕔 Γ  Print A (Γ `, Unit)  Print A Γ
  bind  : NE (T a) Γ  Print A (Γ `, a)  Print A Γ

wkPrint : (∀ {Δ} {Δ'}  (Δ  Δ')  A Δ  A Δ')  Γ  Γ'  Print A Γ  Print A Γ'
wkPrint f e (η x) = η (f e x)
wkPrint f e (print x p) = print (wkNe e x) (wkPrint f (keep e) p)
wkPrint f e (bind x p) = bind (wkNe e x) (wkPrint f (keep e) p)

Tm'- : Ty  (Ctx  Set)
Tm'- Unit = ⊤'
Tm'- 𝕔 = NE 𝕔
Tm'- (a  b) = (Tm'- a) ⇒' (Tm'- b)
Tm'- ( a) = Box (Tm'- a)
Tm'- (T a) = Print (Tm'- a)

Sub'- : Ctx  (Ctx  Set)
Sub'- []       = ⊤'
Sub'- (Γ `, a) = Sub'- Γ ×' Tm'- a
Sub'- (Γ #)    = Lock (Sub'- Γ)

-- values in the model can be weakened
wkTm'- : Γ  Γ'  Tm'- a Γ  Tm'- a Γ'
wkTm'- {a = 𝕔}     w n  = wkNe w n
wkTm'- {a = a  b} w f  = λ w' y  f (w  w') y
wkTm'- {a =  a}  w bx = λ w' e  bx (w  w') e
wkTm'- {a = Unit}  w n  = tt
wkTm'- {a = T a}   w n  = wkPrint (wkTm'- {a = a}) w n

-- substitutions in the model can be weakened
wkSub'- : Γ  Γ'  Sub'- Δ Γ  Sub'- Δ Γ'
wkSub'- {Δ = []}     w tt          = tt
wkSub'- {Δ = Δ `, a} w (s , x)     = wkSub'- {Δ = Δ} w s , wkTm'- {a = a} w x
wkSub'- {Δ = Δ #}    w (lock s e)  = lock (wkSub'- {Δ = Δ} (factorWk e w) s) (factorExt e w)

-- semantic counterpart of `unbox` from `Tm`
unbox' : Tm'- ( a) ΓL  CExt Γ ΓL ΓR  Tm'- a Γ
unbox' bx e = bx idWk e

mapPrint  : (A ⇒' B) →̇ (Print A ⇒' Print B)
mapPrint f e (η x) = η (f e x)
mapPrint f e (print x m) = print x (mapPrint f (drop e) m)
mapPrint f e (bind x m) = bind x (mapPrint f (drop e) m)

joinPrint : Print (Print A) →̇ Print A
joinPrint (η x) = x
joinPrint (print x x₁) = print x (joinPrint x₁)
joinPrint (bind x x₁) = bind x (joinPrint x₁)

bindPrint : (A ⇒' Print B) →̇ (Print A ⇒' Print B)
bindPrint f e m = joinPrint (mapPrint f e m)

-- Normalization function

VAR : Ty  Ctx  Set
VAR a Γ = Var Γ a

reify-Print : Print (Tm'- a) →̇ NF (T a)
reify   : Tm'- a →̇ NF a
reflect : NE a  →̇ Tm'- a

reify {Unit}  t = unit
reify {𝕔}     t = up t
reify {a  b} t = lam (reify {b} (t (drop idWk) (reflect {a} (var zero))))
reify { a}   t = box (reify (t idWk (ext#- nil)))
reify {T a}   t = reify-Print t

reify-Print (η     x)    = ret (reify x)
reify-Print (print x u)  = let-print-in x (reify-Print u)
reify-Print (bind  x x₁) = let-in x (reify-Print x₁)

reflect {Unit}  n = tt
reflect {𝕔}     n = n
reflect {a  b} n = λ e t  reflect {b} (app (wkNe e n) (reify t))
reflect { a}   n = λ w e  reflect (unbox (wkNe w n) e)
reflect {T a}   n = bind n (η (reflect {a} (var zero)))

-- identity substitution
idₛ' : Sub'- Γ Γ
idₛ' {[]}     = tt
idₛ' {Γ `, a} = wkSub'- {Δ = Γ} (drop idWk) (idₛ' {Γ = Γ}) , reflect {a} (var zero)
idₛ' {Γ #}    = lock (idₛ' {Γ}) (ext#- nil)

-- interpretation of variables
substVar' : Var Γ a  (Sub'- Γ →̇ Tm'- a)
substVar' zero     (_ , x) = x
substVar' (succ x) (γ , _) = substVar' x γ

-- interpretation of terms
eval : Tm Γ a  (Sub'- Γ →̇ Tm'- a)
eval (var x)                       s
  = substVar' x s
eval {Γ = Γ} (lam t)               s
  = λ e x  eval t (wkSub'- {Δ = Γ} e s , x)
eval (app t u)                     s
  = (eval t s) idWk (eval u s)
eval {Γ = Γ} (box t)               s
  = λ w e  eval t (lock (wkSub'- {Δ = Γ} w s) e)
eval {a = a} (unbox t nil)         s
  = unbox' {a = a} (eval t s) nil
eval (unbox t (ext e))             (s , _)
  = eval (unbox t e) s
eval (unbox t (ext#- e))           (lock s nil)
  = eval (unbox t e) s
eval {a = a} (unbox t (ext#- e))   (lock s (ext {a = b} e'))
  = wkTm'- {a = a} fresh[ b ] (eval (unbox t (ext#- e)) (lock s e'))
eval {a = a} (unbox t (ext#- nil)) (lock s (ext#- e'))
  = unbox' {a} (eval t s) (ext#- e')
eval (unbox t (ext#- (ext e)))     (lock (s , _) (ext#- e'))
  = eval (unbox t (ext#- e)) (lock s (ext#- e'))
eval (unbox t (ext#- (ext#- e))) (lock (lock s e'') (ext#- e'))
  = eval (unbox t (ext#- e)) (lock s (ext#- (extRAssoc e'' e')))
eval unit                          s
  = tt
eval (ret t)                       s
  = η (eval t s)
eval {Γ = Γ} (let-in t u)          s
  = bindPrint  e x  eval u ((wkSub'- {Δ = Γ} e s) , x)) idWk (eval t s)
eval (print t)                     s
  = print (eval t s) (η tt)

-- retraction of interpretation
quot : (Sub'- Γ →̇ Tm'- a)  Nf Γ a
quot {Γ} f = reify (f (idₛ' {Γ}))

-- normalization function
norm : Tm Γ a  Nf Γ a
norm t = quot (eval t)

-- Normalization for substitutions

-- (simply "do everything pointwise")

-- normal forms of substitutions
data Nfₛ : Ctx  Ctx  Set where
  []   : Nfₛ Γ []
  _`,_ : Nfₛ Γ Δ  Nf Γ a  Nfₛ Γ (Δ `, a)
  lock : Nfₛ ΔL Γ  CExt Δ ΔL ΔR  Nfₛ Δ (Γ #)

-- embeddding of substitution normal forms back into substitutions
embNfₛ : Nfₛ Γ Δ  Sub Γ Δ
embNfₛ []         = []
embNfₛ (n `, s)   = embNfₛ n `, embNf s
embNfₛ (lock n s) = lock (embNfₛ n) s

Nfₛ- : Ctx  Ctx  Set
Nfₛ- Δ Γ = Nfₛ Γ Δ

-- interpretation of substitutions
evalₛ : Sub Γ Δ  Sub'- Γ  →̇ Sub'- Δ
evalₛ []                         s'
  = tt
evalₛ (s `, t)                   s'
  = (evalₛ s s') , eval t s'
evalₛ (lock s nil)               s'
  = lock (evalₛ s s') nil
evalₛ (lock s (ext e))           (s' , _)
  = evalₛ (lock s e) s'
evalₛ (lock s (ext#- nil))       (lock s' e')
  = lock (evalₛ s s') e'
evalₛ (lock s (ext#- (ext e)))   (lock (s' , _) e')
  = evalₛ (lock s (ext#- e)) (lock s' e')
evalₛ (lock s (ext#- (ext#- e))) (lock (lock s' e'') e')
  = evalₛ (lock s (ext#- e)) (lock s' (extRAssoc e'' e'))

-- retraction of evalₛ
quotₛ : Sub'- Γ →̇ Nfₛ- Γ
quotₛ {[]}     tt         = []
quotₛ {Γ `, _} (s , x)    = (quotₛ s) `, (reify x)
quotₛ {Γ #}    (lock s e) = lock (quotₛ s) e

-- normalization function, for substitutions
normₛ : Sub Δ Γ  Nfₛ Δ Γ
normₛ {Δ} {Γ} s = quotₛ (evalₛ s (idₛ' {Δ}))

module _ where
  open import Data.Empty      using ( ; ⊥-elim)
  open import Relation.Binary using (Transitive)

  infixr 3 _⊲_ _⊲ᶜ_

  -- For types a and b, a ⊲ b denotes that a occurs as a subformula of
  -- b.
  data _⊲_ : (a : Ty)  (b : Ty)  Set where
    ⊲-refl : a  a
    ⊲-⇒-r  : (a⊲b : a  b)  a  c  b
    ⊲-⇒-l  : (a⊲b : a  b)  a  b  c
    ⊲-◻    : (a⊲b : a  b)  a   b
    ⊲-T    : (a⊲b : a  b)  a  T b

  -- For a type a and a context Γ, a ⊲ᶜ Γ denotes that a occurs as a
  -- subformula of a type in Γ.
  data _⊲ᶜ_ : (a : Ty)  (Γ : Ctx)  Set where
    here   : (a⊲b  : a   b)  a ⊲ᶜ Γ `, b
    there  : (a⊲ᶜΓ : a ⊲ᶜ Γ)  a ⊲ᶜ Γ `, c
    there# : (a⊲ᶜΓ : a ⊲ᶜ Γ)  a ⊲ᶜ Γ #

  ⊲-trans : Transitive _⊲_
  ⊲-trans a⊲b ⊲-refl      = a⊲b
  ⊲-trans a⊲b (⊲-⇒-r b⊲c) = ⊲-⇒-r (⊲-trans a⊲b b⊲c)
  ⊲-trans a⊲b (⊲-⇒-l b⊲c) = ⊲-⇒-l (⊲-trans a⊲b b⊲c)
  ⊲-trans a⊲b (⊲-◻   b⊲c) = ⊲-◻   (⊲-trans a⊲b b⊲c)
  ⊲-trans a⊲b (⊲-T   b⊲c) = ⊲-T   (⊲-trans a⊲b b⊲c)

  ⊲-⊲ᶜ : a  b  b ⊲ᶜ Γ  a ⊲ᶜ Γ
  ⊲-⊲ᶜ a⊲b (here   b⊲c)  = here   (⊲-trans a⊲b b⊲c)
  ⊲-⊲ᶜ a⊲b (there  b⊲ᶜΓ) = there  (⊲-⊲ᶜ    a⊲b b⊲ᶜΓ)
  ⊲-⊲ᶜ a⊲b (there# b⊲ᶜΓ) = there# (⊲-⊲ᶜ    a⊲b b⊲ᶜΓ)

  -- Being a subformula is preserved by adding variables (on the
  -- right).
  ,,Pres⊲ᶜ-right : a ⊲ᶜ Γ  a ⊲ᶜ Γ ,, Δ
  ,,Pres⊲ᶜ-right {Δ = []      } a⊲ᶜΓ = a⊲ᶜΓ
  ,,Pres⊲ᶜ-right {Δ =  `, _c} a⊲ᶜΓ = there  (,,Pres⊲ᶜ-right a⊲ᶜΓ)
  ,,Pres⊲ᶜ-right {Δ =  #    } a⊲ᶜΓ = there# (,,Pres⊲ᶜ-right a⊲ᶜΓ)

  -- Variables satisfy the subformula property.
  Var-neutrality : Var Γ a  a ⊲ᶜ Γ
  Var-neutrality zero     = here ⊲-refl
  Var-neutrality (succ v) = there (Var-neutrality v)

  -- Neutrals satisfy the subformula property.
  Ne-neutrality : Ne Γ a  a ⊲ᶜ Γ
  Ne-neutrality (var   v)    = Var-neutrality v
  Ne-neutrality (app   n _m) = ⊲-⊲ᶜ (⊲-⇒-r ⊲-refl) (Ne-neutrality n)
  Ne-neutrality (unbox n e) rewrite extIs,, e
     = ,,Pres⊲ᶜ-right (⊲-⊲ᶜ (⊲-◻ ⊲-refl) (Ne-neutrality n))

  -- A context with one capability
  Cap : Ctx
  Cap = [] `, 𝕔

  -- There are no neutrals of type □ a in context Cap.
  noNe-Cap-□ : Ne Cap ( a)  
  noNe-Cap-□ n with Ne-neutrality n
  ... | here  ()
  ... | there ()

  -- There are no neutrals of type a in context Cap #.
  noNe-Cap# : Ne (Cap #) a  
  noNe-Cap# (app n _)             = noNe-Cap# n
  noNe-Cap# (unbox n nil)         = noNe-Cap# n
  noNe-Cap# (unbox n (ext#- nil)) = noNe-Cap-□ n
  noNe-Cap# (unbox n (ext#- (ext nil))) with Ne-neutrality n
  ... | ()

  -- A normal form of type □ (T Unit) in context Cap is
  -- (syntactically) equal to box (return unit).
  purity : (t : Nf Cap ( (T Unit)))  t  box (ret unit)
  purity (box (ret unit))         = refl
  purity (box (let-in c t))       = ⊥-elim (noNe-Cap# c)
  purity (box (print (up n)))     = ⊥-elim (noNe-Cap# n)
  purity (box (let-print-in c t)) = ⊥-elim (noNe-Cap# c)

Generated from commit 2fd14c996b195ef101dff8919e837907ca0a08aa.