{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
module IK.Term.NormalForm.Base where

open import IK.Term.Base

-- Normal forms

data Ne : Ctx  Ty  Set
data Nf : Ctx  Ty  Set

data Ne where
  var   : Var Γ a  Ne Γ a
  app   : Ne Γ (a  b)  Nf Γ a  Ne Γ b
  unbox : Ne ΓL ( a)  LFExt Γ (ΓL #) ΓR  Ne Γ a

data Nf where
  up  : Ne Γ ι  Nf Γ ι
  lam : Nf (Γ `, a) b  Nf Γ (a  b)
  box : Nf (Γ #) a  Nf Γ ( a)

-- normal forms of substitutions (simply "do everything pointwise")
data Nfₛ : Ctx  Ctx  Set where
  []   : Nfₛ Γ []
  _`,_ : Nfₛ Γ Δ  Nf Γ a  Nfₛ Γ (Δ `, a)
  lock : Nfₛ ΔL Γ  LFExt Δ (ΔL #) ΔR  Nfₛ Δ (Γ #)

Nfₛ- : Ctx  Ctx  Set
Nfₛ- Δ Γ = Nfₛ Γ Δ

-- embedding into terms

embNe : Ne Γ a  Tm Γ a
embNf : Nf Γ a  Tm Γ a

embNe (var   x)   = var x
embNe (app   m n) = app (embNe m) (embNf n)
embNe (unbox n x) = unbox (embNe n) x

embNf (up  x) = embNe x
embNf (lam n) = lam (embNf n)
embNf (box n) = box (embNf n)

-- embeddding of substitution normal forms back into substitutions (simply "do everything pointwise")
embNfₛ : Nfₛ Γ Δ  Sub Γ Δ
embNfₛ []         = []
embNfₛ (n `, s)   = embNfₛ n `, embNf s
embNfₛ (lock n s) = lock (embNfₛ n) s

-- weakening lemmas

wkNe : Γ  Γ'  Ne Γ a  Ne Γ' a
wkNf : Γ  Γ'  Nf Γ a  Nf Γ' a

wkNe w (var   x)   = var (wkVar w x)
wkNe w (app   m n) = app (wkNe w m) (wkNf w n)
wkNe w (unbox n e) = unbox (wkNe (sliceLeft e w) n) (wkLFExt e w)

wkNf e (up  x) = up  (wkNe e x)
wkNf e (lam n) = lam (wkNf (keep e) n)
wkNf e (box n) = box (wkNf (keep# e) n)

Generated from commit 2fd14c996b195ef101dff8919e837907ca0a08aa.