------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Agda standard library -- -- Natural numbers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- See README.Data.Nat for examples of how to use and reason about -- naturals. {-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-} module Data.Nat where ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Publicly re-export the contents of the base module open import Data.Nat.Base public ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Publicly re-export queries open import Data.Nat.Properties public using ( _≟_ ; _≤?_ ; _≥?_ ; _<?_ ; _>?_ ; _≤′?_; _≥′?_; _<′?_; _>′?_ ; _≤″?_; _<″?_; _≥″?_; _>″?_ ; _<‴?_; _≤‴?_; _≥‴?_; _>‴?_ ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Deprecated -- Version 0.17 open import Data.Nat.Properties public using (≤-pred)
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