{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
module Semantics.Presheaf.Base
  (C       : Set)
  (_⊆_     : (Γ Γ' : C)  Set)
  (⊆-refl  :  {Γ : C}  Γ  Γ)
  (⊆-trans :  {Γ Γ' Γ'' : C}  (_w : Γ  Γ')  (_w' : Γ'  Γ'')  Γ  Γ'')

open import Level using (0ℓ)

open import Relation.Binary using (Reflexive; Symmetric; Transitive; IsEquivalence; Setoid)
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as EqReasoning
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; subst; cong)

infixr 19 _∘_
infix  18 _→̇_ _≈̇_

    Γ Γ' Γ'' : C
    Δ Δ' Δ'' : C
    Θ Θ' Θ'' : C
    w w' w'' : Γ  Δ

record Psh : Set₁ where
    -- setoids
    Fam       : (Γ : C)  Set
    _≋_       : (x y : Fam Γ)  Set -- type \~~~
    ≋-equiv   :  (Γ : C)  IsEquivalence {A = Fam Γ} _≋_

    -- setoid morphisms
    wk        : (w : Γ  Δ)  (x : Fam Γ)  Fam Δ
    wk-pres-≋ :  (w : Γ  Δ) {x y : Fam Γ} (x≋y : x  y)  wk w x  wk w y

    -- functoriality
    wk-pres-refl  :  (x : Fam Γ)  wk ⊆-refl x  x
    wk-pres-trans :  (w : Γ  Γ') (w' : Γ'  Γ'') (x : Fam Γ)  wk (⊆-trans w w') x  wk w' (wk w x)

  infix 19 Fam

  Fam-setoid : {Γ : C}  Setoid _ _
  Fam-setoid {Γ} = record
    { Carrier       = Fam Γ
    ; _≈_           = _≋_
    ; isEquivalence = ≋-equiv Γ

  wk-pres-≡-≋ :  {w w' : Γ  Δ} (w≡w' : w  w') {x y : Fam Γ} (x≋y : x  y)  wk w x  wk w' y
  wk-pres-≡-≋ {w = w} {.w} refl = wk-pres-≋ w

  module _ {Γ : C} where
    open IsEquivalence (≋-equiv Γ) public
      using ()
        ( refl      to ≋-refl
        ; sym       to ≋-sym
        ; trans     to ≋-trans
        ; reflexive to ≋-reflexive

  ≋-reflexive˘ :  {x y : Fam Γ}  y  x  x  y
  ≋-reflexive˘ refl = ≋-refl

-- open Psh {{...}} using (_≋_; ≋-refl; ≋-sym; ≋-trans; wk) public
-- ≋-refl  = λ {𝒫} {Γ} {p}         → 𝒫 .Psh.≋-refl {Γ} {p}
-- ≋-sym   = λ {𝒫} {Γ} {p} {q}     → 𝒫 .Psh.≋-sym {Γ} {p} {q}
-- ≋-trans = λ {𝒫} {Γ} {p} {q} {r} → 𝒫 .Psh.≋-trans {Γ} {p} {q} {r}
open Psh public
  using ()
    ( Fam           to _₀_
    ; Fam-setoid    to ≋[_]-setoid
    ; ≋-refl        to ≋[_]-refl
    ; ≋-sym         to ≋[_]-sym
    ; ≋-trans       to ≋[_]-trans
    ; ≋-reflexive   to ≋[_]-reflexive
    ; ≋-reflexive˘   to ≋[_]-reflexive˘
    ; wk            to wk[_]
    ; wk-pres-≋     to wk[_]-pres-≋
    ; wk-pres-refl  to wk[_]-pres-refl
    ; wk-pres-trans to wk[_]-pres-trans

    𝒫 𝒫' : Psh -- type \McP
    𝒬 𝒬' : Psh -- type \McQ
     ℛ' : Psh -- type \McR
    𝒮 𝒮' : Psh -- type \McS

≋[]-syntax : (𝒫 : Psh)  (x y : 𝒫  Γ)  Set
≋[]-syntax 𝒫 = 𝒫 .Psh._≋_

syntax ≋[]-syntax 𝒫 x y = x ≋[ 𝒫 ] y

record _→̇_ (𝒫 𝒬 : Psh) : Set where -- type \-> \^.
    fun     : (p : 𝒫  Γ)  𝒬  Γ
    pres-≋  :  {p p' : 𝒫  Γ} (p≋p' : p ≋[ 𝒫 ] p')  fun p ≋[ 𝒬 ] fun p'
    natural :  (w : Γ  Δ) (p : 𝒫  Γ)  wk[ 𝒬 ] w (fun p) ≋[ 𝒬 ] fun (wk[ 𝒫 ] w p)

open _→̇_ using (natural) renaming (fun to apply; pres-≋ to apply-≋) public

record _≈̇_ (φ ψ : 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬) : Set where -- type \~~ \^.
    proof :  (p : 𝒫  Γ)  φ .apply p ≋[ 𝒬 ] ψ .apply p

  apply-sq :  {p p' : 𝒫  Γ}  p ≋[ 𝒫 ] p'  φ .apply p ≋[ 𝒬 ] ψ .apply p'
  apply-sq {p = p} {p'} p≋p' = let open EqReasoning ≋[ 𝒬 ]-setoid in begin
    φ .apply p   ≈⟨ φ .apply-≋ p≋p' 
    φ .apply p'  ≈⟨ proof p' 
    ψ .apply p'  

open _≈̇_ using (apply-sq) renaming (proof to apply-≋) public

    φ φ' : 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬
    ψ ψ' : 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬
    ω ω' : 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬

module _ {𝒫 𝒬 : Psh} where
    ≈̇-refl : Reflexive {A = 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬} _≈̇_
    ≈̇-refl = record { proof = λ {_} _  ≋[ 𝒬 ]-refl }

    ≈̇-sym : Symmetric {A = 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬} _≈̇_
    ≈̇-sym φ≋φ' = record { proof = λ {_} p  ≋[ 𝒬 ]-sym (φ≋φ' ._≈̇_.proof p) }

    ≈̇-trans : Transitive {A = 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬} _≈̇_
    ≈̇-trans φ≋ψ ψ≋ω = record { proof = λ {_} p  ≋[ 𝒬 ]-trans (φ≋ψ ._≈̇_.proof p) (ψ≋ω ._≈̇_.proof p) }

    ≈̇-equiv : IsEquivalence {A = 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬} _≈̇_
    ≈̇-equiv = record
      { refl  = ≈̇-refl
      ; sym   = ≈̇-sym
      ; trans = ≈̇-trans

module _ (𝒫 𝒬 : Psh) where
  →̇-setoid : Setoid 0ℓ 0ℓ
  →̇-setoid = record
    { Carrier       = 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬
    ; _≈_           = _≈̇_
    ; isEquivalence = ≈̇-equiv

_∘_ : (ψ : 𝒬 →̇ )  (φ : 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬)  𝒫 →̇ 
_∘_ {𝒬} {} {𝒫} ψ φ = record
  { fun     = λ p  ψ .apply (φ .apply p)
  ; pres-≋  = λ p≋p'  ψ .apply-≋ (φ .apply-≋ p≋p')
  ; natural = λ w p  let open EqReasoning ≋[  ]-setoid in begin
      wk[  ] w (ψ .apply (φ .apply p))  ≈⟨ ψ .natural _ _ 
      ψ .apply (wk[ 𝒬 ] w (φ .apply p))  ≈⟨ ψ .apply-≋ (φ .natural _ _) 
      ψ .apply (φ .apply (wk[ 𝒫 ] w p))  

_[_]' = _∘_

  ∘-pres-≈̇ : ψ ≈̇ ψ'  φ ≈̇ φ'  ψ  φ ≈̇ ψ'  φ'
  ∘-pres-≈̇ ψ≈̇ψ' φ≈̇φ' = record { proof = λ p  apply-sq ψ≈̇ψ' (φ≈̇φ' .apply-≋ p) }

  ∘-pres-≈̇-left :  (_ : ψ ≈̇ ψ') (φ : 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬)  ψ  φ ≈̇ ψ'  φ
  ∘-pres-≈̇-left ψ≈̇ψ' φ = ∘-pres-≈̇ ψ≈̇ψ' (≈̇-refl {x = φ})

  ∘-pres-≈̇-right :  (ψ : 𝒬 →̇ ) (_ : φ ≈̇ φ')  ψ  φ ≈̇ ψ  φ'
  ∘-pres-≈̇-right ψ φ≈̇φ' = ∘-pres-≈̇ (≈̇-refl {x = ψ}) φ≈̇φ'

  ∘-assoc :  (ω :  →̇ 𝒮) (ψ : 𝒬 →̇ ) (φ : 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬)  (ω  ψ)  φ ≈̇ ω  ψ  φ
  ∘-assoc {_} {} ω ψ φ = record { proof = λ p  ≋[  ]-refl }

id'[_] : (𝒫 : Psh)  𝒫 →̇ 𝒫
id'[_] 𝒫 = record
  { fun     = λ p  p
  ; pres-≋  = λ p≋p'  p≋p'
  ; natural = λ _ _  ≋[ 𝒫 ]-refl

id' = λ {𝒫}  id'[ 𝒫 ]

  id'-unit-left :  {𝒫 : Psh} (𝒬 : Psh) (φ : 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬)  id'[ 𝒬 ]  φ ≈̇ φ
  id'-unit-left 𝒬 _ = record { proof = λ p  ≋[ 𝒬 ]-refl }

  id'-unit-right :  (𝒫 : Psh) {𝒬 : Psh} (φ : 𝒫 →̇ 𝒬)  φ  id'[ 𝒫 ] ≈̇ φ
  id'-unit-right _ {𝒬} _ = record { proof = λ p  ≋[ 𝒬 ]-refl }

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