{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-} module IK.Norm.Properties.Soundness where open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_ ; cong ; cong₂ ; trans) open import IK.Norm.Base open import IK.Norm.NbE.Model open import IK.Norm.NbE.Reification open import IK.Norm.Properties.Soundness.Trace open import IK.Term -- -- This module proves the completeness of evaluation (eval-complete), -- from which the soundness of normalization (norm-sound) follows. -- eval-complete : {t t' : Tm Γ a} → ({Δ : Ctx} {γ : Sub' Δ Γ} → eval t γ ≡ eval t' γ) → t ≈ t' eval-complete {t = t} {t'} f with f {_} {idₛ'} ... | p = ≈-trans (≈-trans (⟶*-to-≈ (trace t)) (≈-reflexive (cong embNf (cong reify p)))) (≈-sym (⟶*-to-≈ (trace t'))) norm-sound : norm t ≡ norm u → t ≈ u norm-sound {t = t} {u} t'≡u' = ≈-trans (⟶*-to-≈ (trace t)) (≈-trans (≈-reflexive (cong embNf t'≡u')) (≈-sym (⟶*-to-≈ (trace u))))
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