{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} module IS4.Norm.NbE.Model where open import Data.Product using (Σ ; ∃ ; _×_ ; _,_ ; -,_ ; proj₁ ; proj₂) open import Relation.Binary using (Reflexive ; Transitive ; Irrelevant) open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_ ; subst ; cong ; cong₂ ; cong-id ; subst-application) renaming (refl to ≡-refl ; sym to ≡-sym ; trans to ≡-trans ; isEquivalence to ≡-equiv) open import PUtil open import IS4.Term as Term hiding (factorWk) import Semantics.Presheaf.Evaluation.IS4 factor : ∀ (Γ◁Δ : Γ ◁IS4 Δ) (w : Δ ⊆ Δ') → ∃ λ Γ' → Γ ⊆ Γ' × Γ' ◁IS4 Δ' factor (_ , Γ◁Δ) w = -, Term.factorWk Γ◁Δ w , -, factorExt Γ◁Δ w factorWk : ∀ (Γ◁Δ : Γ ◁IS4 Δ) (w : Δ ⊆ Δ') → Γ ⊆ _ factorWk r w = factor r w .proj₂ .proj₁ factor◁ : ∀ (Γ◁Δ : Γ ◁IS4 Δ) (w : Δ ⊆ Δ') → _ ◁IS4 Δ' factor◁ r w = factor r w .proj₂ .proj₂ private factor-pres-id : ∀ (Γ◁Δ : Γ ◁IS4 Δ) → factor Γ◁Δ idWk ≡ (-, idWk , Γ◁Δ) factor-pres-id (_ , Γ◁Δ) = Σ×-≡,≡,≡→≡ (lCtxPresId Γ◁Δ , factorWkPresId Γ◁Δ , ◁IS4-irrel _ _) factor-pres-∙ : ∀ (Γ◁Δ : Γ ◁IS4 Δ) (w : Δ ⊆ Δ') (w' : Δ' ⊆ Δ'') → factor Γ◁Δ (w ∙ w') ≡ (-, factorWk Γ◁Δ w ∙ factorWk (factor◁ Γ◁Δ w) w' , factor◁ (factor◁ Γ◁Δ w) w') factor-pres-∙ (_ , Γ◁Δ) w w' = Σ×-≡,≡,≡→≡ (lCtxPres∙ Γ◁Δ w w' , factorWkPres∙ Γ◁Δ w w' , ◁IS4-irrel _ _) factor-pres-refl : ∀ (w : Γ ⊆ Γ') → factor ◁IS4-refl w ≡ (-, w , ◁IS4-refl) factor-pres-refl w = Σ-≡,≡→≡ (lCtxPresRefl {θ = tt} w , ×-≡,≡→≡ (factorWkPresRefl {θ = tt} w , ◁IS4-irrel _ _)) factor-pres-trans : ∀ (Γ◁Δ : Γ ◁IS4 Δ) (Δ◁Θ : Δ ◁IS4 Θ) (w : Θ ⊆ Θ') → factor (◁IS4-trans Γ◁Δ Δ◁Θ) w ≡ (-, factorWk Γ◁Δ (factorWk Δ◁Θ w) , ◁IS4-trans (factor◁ Γ◁Δ (factorWk Δ◁Θ w)) (factor◁ Δ◁Θ w)) factor-pres-trans (_ , Γ◁Δ) (_ , Δ◁Θ) w = Σ×-≡,≡,≡→≡ (lCtxPresTrans Γ◁Δ Δ◁Θ w , factorWkPresTrans Γ◁Δ Δ◁Θ w , ◁IS4-irrel _ _) module PresheafEvaluationIS4 = Semantics.Presheaf.Evaluation.IS4 Ctx _⊆_ _∙_ (λ w w' w'' → ≡-sym (assocWk w w' w'')) idWk rightIdWk leftIdWk _◁IS4_ ◁IS4-trans ◁IS4-trans-assoc ◁IS4-refl ◁IS4-refl-unit-left ◁IS4-refl-unit-right factor factor-pres-id factor-pres-∙ factor-pres-refl factor-pres-trans open PresheafEvaluationIS4 public hiding (_→̇_ ; unbox') renaming (module Eval to PresheafEvaluationIS4Eval ; module EvalProperties to PresheafEvaluationIS4EvalProperties) 𝒩ℯ : (a : Ty) → Psh 𝒩ℯ a = record { Fam = λ Γ → Ne Γ a ; _≋_ = _≡_ ; ≋-equiv = λ _ → ≡-equiv ; wk = wkNe ; wk-pres-≋ = λ w → cong (wkNe w) ; wk-pres-refl = wkNePresId ; wk-pres-trans = λ w w' n → ≡-sym (wkNePres∙ w w' n) } open PresheafEvaluationIS4Eval (𝒩ℯ ι) public hiding (Sub' ; Tm') open PresheafEvaluationIS4EvalProperties (𝒩ℯ ι) public 𝒩𝒻 : (a : Ty) → Psh 𝒩𝒻 a = record { Fam = λ Γ → Nf Γ a ; _≋_ = _≡_ ; ≋-equiv = λ _ → ≡-equiv ; wk = wkNf ; wk-pres-≋ = λ w → cong (wkNf w) ; wk-pres-refl = wkNfPresId ; wk-pres-trans = λ w w' n → ≡-sym (wkNfPres∙ w w' n) } -- renaming environments, representable presheaf, Yoneda embedding ℛℯ𝓃 : (Γ : Ctx) → Psh ℛℯ𝓃 Γ = record { Fam = Γ ⊆_ ; _≋_ = _≡_ ; ≋-equiv = λ _ → ≡-equiv ; wk = λ w w' → w' ∙ w ; wk-pres-≋ = λ w → cong (_∙ w) ; wk-pres-refl = rightIdWk ; wk-pres-trans = λ w w' w'' → ≡-sym (assocWk w'' w w') } 𝒯𝓂 : (a : Ty) → Psh 𝒯𝓂 a = record { Fam = λ Γ → Tm Γ a ; _≋_ = _≡_ ; ≋-equiv = λ _ → ≡-equiv ; wk = wkTm ; wk-pres-≋ = λ w → cong (wkTm w) ; wk-pres-refl = wkTmPresId ; wk-pres-trans = λ w w' t → ≡-sym (wkTmPres∙ w w' t) } 𝒮𝓊𝒷 : (Γ : Ctx) → Psh 𝒮𝓊𝒷 Γ = record { Fam = λ Δ → Sub Δ Γ ; _≋_ = _≡_ ; ≋-equiv = λ _ → ≡-equiv ; wk = wkSub ; wk-pres-≋ = λ w → cong (wkSub w) ; wk-pres-refl = wkSubPresId ; wk-pres-trans = λ w w' s → ≡-sym (wkSubPres∙ w w' s) } -- family of maps between interpretations _→̇_ : (Ctx → Set) → (Ctx → Set) → Set _→̇_ A B = {Δ : Ctx} → A Δ → B Δ -- interpretation of types Tm' : (Γ : Ctx) → (a : Ty) → Set Tm' Γ a = evalTy a ₀ Γ Tm'- : Ty → Ctx → Set Tm'- a Γ = Tm' Γ a -- interpretation of contexts ("environments") Sub' : (Γ : Ctx) → (Δ : Ctx) → Set Sub' Γ Δ = evalCtx Δ ₀ Γ Sub'- : Ctx → Ctx → Set Sub'- Δ Γ = Sub' Γ Δ variable ρ ρ' ρ'' : Sub' Γ Δ -- values in the model can be weakened wkTy' wkTm' : (a : Ty) → (w : Γ ⊆ Γ') → (x : Tm' Γ a) → Tm' Γ' a wkTy' a = wk[ evalTy a ] wkTm' = wkTy' -- environments in the model can be weakened wkSub' : (Δ : Ctx) → (w : Γ ⊆ Γ') → (ρ : Sub' Γ Δ) → Sub' Γ' Δ wkSub' Δ = wk[ evalCtx Δ ] -- semantic counterpart of `unbox` from `Tm` unbox' : Tm' ΓL (□ a) → CExt Γ ΓL ΓR → Tm' Γ a unbox' (elem bx _bx-nat) e = bx idWk (-, e) unlock' : Sub' Δ (Γ #) → Σ (Ctx × Ctx) λ { (ΔL , ΔR) → Sub' ΔL Γ × CExt Δ ΔL ΔR } unlock' (elem (ΔL , (ΔR , e), s)) = (ΔL , ΔR) , (s , e) -- interpretation of variables substVar' : Var Γ a → Sub'- Γ →̇ Tm'- a substVar' v = evalVar v .apply CExt' : CExt Γ ΓL ΓR → Sub'- Γ →̇ Sub'- (ΓL #) CExt' e = evalAcc e .apply module _ (e : CExt Γ ΓL ΓR) (s : Sub' Δ Γ) (let elem (ΔL , (ΔR , e') , s') = evalAcc e .apply s) where -- "Left" context of factoring with a substitution (see factorExtₛ) lCtxₛ' : Ctx lCtxₛ' = ΔL -- "Right" context of factoring with a substitution (see factorExtₛ) rCtxₛ' : Ctx rCtxₛ' = ΔR -- same as factorExtₛ factorExtₛ' : CExt Δ lCtxₛ' rCtxₛ' factorExtₛ' = e' -- same as factorSubₛ factorSubₛ' : Sub' lCtxₛ' ΓL factorSubₛ' = s' -- interpretation of terms eval : Tm Γ a → (Sub'- Γ →̇ Tm'- a) eval t s = evalTm t .apply s -- interpretation of substitutions evalₛ : Sub Γ Δ → Sub'- Γ →̇ Sub'- Δ evalₛ s γ = evalSub s .apply γ
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