{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
module IS4.Norm.NbE.Reification where

open import Data.Unit    using (; tt)          renaming ()
open import Data.Product using (Σ; ; _,_; -,_) renaming (_×_ to _∧_; proj₁ to fst; proj₂ to snd)

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; subst; cong; cong₂; module ≡-Reasoning)

import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as EqReasoning

open import IS4.Norm.NbE.Model

open import IS4.Term hiding (factorWk)

reflect         : (a : Ty)  (n : Ne  Γ a)  Tm' Γ a
reflect-pres-≋  :  (a : Ty) {n n' : Ne Γ a} (n≡n' : n  n')  reflect a n ≋[ evalTy a ] reflect a n'
reflect-natural :  (a : Ty) (n : Ne Γ a) (w : Γ  Γ')  reflect a (wkNe w n) ≋[ evalTy a ] wk[ evalTy a ] w (reflect a n)

reify         : (a : Ty)  (x : Tm' Γ a)  Nf  Γ a
reify-pres-≋  :  (a : Ty) {x x' : Tm' Γ a} (x≋x' : x ≋[ evalTy a ] x')  reify a x  reify a x'
reify-natural :  (a : Ty) (x : Tm' Γ a) (w : Γ  Γ')  reify a (wk[ evalTy a ] w x)  wkNf w (reify a x)

var0' : (a : Ty)  Tm' (Γ `, a) a
var0' a = reflect a (var zero)

-- interpretation of neutrals
reflect ι       n = n
reflect (a  b) n = record
  { fun     = λ w    p     reflect b (app (wkNe w n) (reify a p))
  ; pres-≋  = λ w    p≋p'  reflect-pres-≋ b (cong (app (wkNe w n)) (reify-pres-≋ a p≋p'))
  ; natural = λ w w' p     let open EqReasoning ≋[ evalTy b ]-setoid in begin
      wk[ evalTy b ] w' (reflect b (app (wkNe w n) (reify a p)))            ≈˘⟨ reflect-natural b _ w' 
      reflect b (wkNe w' (app (wkNe w n) (reify a p)))                      ≡⟨⟩
      reflect b (app (wkNe w' (wkNe w n)) (wkNf w' (reify a p)))            ≡˘⟨ cong  m  reflect b (app _ m)) (reify-natural a p w') 
      reflect b (app (wkNe w' (wkNe w n)) (reify a (wk[ evalTy a ] w' p)))  ≡⟨  cong  n  reflect b (app n _)) (wkNePres∙ w w' n) 
      reflect b (app (wkNe (w  w') n) (reify a (wk[ evalTy a ] w' p)))     
reflect ( a) n = record
  { fun     = λ w (_ , e)     reflect a (unbox (wkNe w n) e)
  ; natural = λ w r@(_ , e) w'  let open EqReasoning ≋[ evalTy a ]-setoid in begin
      reflect a (unbox (wkNe (w  factorWk r w') n) (factorExt e w'))       ≡˘⟨ cong  n  reflect a (unbox n _)) (wkNePres∙ w (factorWk r w') n) 
      reflect a (unbox (wkNe (factorWk r w') (wkNe w n)) (factorExt e w'))  ≡⟨⟩
      reflect a (wkNe w' (unbox (wkNe w n) e))                              ≈⟨  reflect-natural a (unbox (wkNe w n) e) w' 
      wk[ evalTy a ] w' (reflect a (unbox (wkNe w n) e))                    

reflect-pres-≋ = λ a n≡n'  ≋[ evalTy a ]-reflexive (cong (reflect a) n≡n')

reflect-natural ι       n w = ≋[ evalTy ι ]-refl
reflect-natural (a  b) n w = record
  { pw = λ w' p  let open EqReasoning ≋[ evalTy b ]-setoid in begin
      reflect (a  b) (wkNe w n) .apply w' p                  ≡⟨⟩
      reflect b (app (wkNe w' (wkNe w n)) (reify a p))        ≡⟨ cong  n  reflect b (app n (reify a p))) (wkNePres∙ w w' n) 
      reflect b (app (wkNe (w  w') n) (reify a p))           ≡⟨⟩
      wk[ evalTy (a  b) ] w (reflect (a  b) n) .apply w' p  
reflect-natural ( a) n w = record
  { pw = λ w' r@(_ , e)  let open EqReasoning ≋[ evalTy a ]-setoid in begin
      reflect ( a) (wkNe w n) .apply w' r                ≡⟨⟩
      reflect a (unbox (wkNe w' (wkNe w n)) e)            ≡⟨ cong  n  reflect a (unbox n e)) (wkNePres∙ w w' n) 
      reflect a (unbox (wkNe (w  w') n) e)               ≡⟨⟩
      wk[ evalTy ( a) ] w (reflect ( a) n) .apply w' r  

-- reify values to normal forms
reify ι       n = up  n
reify (a  b) f = lam (reify b (f .apply fresh[ a ] (var0' a)))
reify ( a)   b = box (reify a (b .apply idWk new◁IS4))

reify-pres-≋ ι       x≋x' = cong up  x≋x'
reify-pres-≋ (a  b) x≋x' = cong lam (reify-pres-≋ b (x≋x' .pw fresh[ a ] (var0' a)))
reify-pres-≋ ( a)   x≋x' = cong box (reify-pres-≋ a (x≋x' .pw idWk new◁IS4))

reify-natural ι       x w = refl
reify-natural (a  b) x w = let open ≡-Reasoning in begin
  reify (a  b) (wk[ evalTy (a  b) ] w x)                                                      ≡⟨⟩
  lam (reify b (x .apply (w  fresh[ a ])           (var0' a)))                                 ≡˘⟨ cong₂  w n  lam (reify b (x .apply w (reflect a n)))) fresh-keep refl 
  lam (reify b (x .apply (fresh[ a ]  keep[ a ] w) (reflect a (wkNe (keep[ a ] w) var0))))     ≡⟨  cong lam (reify-pres-≋ b (x .apply-≋ _ (reflect-natural a var0 (keep[ a ] w)))) 
  lam (reify b (x .apply (fresh[ a ]  keep[ a ] w) (wk[ evalTy a ] (keep[ a ] w) (var0' a))))  ≡˘⟨ cong lam (reify-pres-≋ b (x .natural fresh[ a ] (keep[ a ] w) _)) 
  lam (reify b (wk[ evalTy b ] (keep[ a ] w) (x .apply fresh[ a ] (var0' a))))                  ≡⟨  cong lam (reify-natural b _ (keep[ a ] w)) 
  lam (wkNf (keep[ a ] w) (reify b (x .apply fresh[ a ] (var0' a))))                            ≡⟨⟩
  wkNf w (reify (a  b) x)                                                                      
reify-natural ( a) x w = let open ≡-Reasoning in begin
  reify ( a) (wk[ evalTy ( a) ] w x)                                                      ≡⟨⟩
  box (reify a (wk[ evalTy ( a) ] w x .apply idWk new◁IS4))                                ≡⟨⟩
  box (reify a (x .apply (w  idWk)                new◁IS4))                                ≡⟨  cong  w  box (reify a (x .apply w new◁IS4))) (rightIdWk w) 
  box (reify a (x .apply w                         new◁IS4))                                ≡˘⟨ cong  w  box (reify a (x .apply w new◁IS4))) (leftIdWk w) 
  box (reify a (x .apply (idWk  w)                new◁IS4))                                ≡⟨⟩
  box (reify a (x .apply (idWk  factorWk new◁IS4 (keep# w)) (factor◁ new◁IS4 (keep# w))))  ≡⟨  cong box (reify-pres-≋ a (x .natural idWk new◁IS4 (keep# w))) 
  box (reify a (wk[ evalTy a ] (keep# w) (x .apply idWk new◁IS4)))                          ≡⟨  cong box (reify-natural a (x .apply idWk new◁IS4) (keep# w)) 
  box (wkNf (keep# w) (reify a (x .apply idWk new◁IS4)))                                    ≡⟨⟩
  wkNf w (reify ( a) x)                                                                    

-- (reflected) identity substitution (one direction of the prinicipal lemma?)
idₛ' : (Γ : Ctx)  Sub' Γ Γ
idₛ' []       = tt
idₛ' (Γ `, a) = record { elem = (wkSub' Γ fresh[ a ] (idₛ' Γ) , (var0' a)) }
idₛ' (Γ #)    = elem (-, new◁IS4 , idₛ' Γ)

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