{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
open import Data.Product using (; _,_; -,_) renaming (_×_ to _∧_; proj₁ to fst; proj₂ to snd)

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; subst)

module Semantics.Presheaf.Evaluation.IML
  (C                 : Set)
  (_⩽_               : (X Y : C)  Set)
  (⩽-trans           :  {X X' X'' : C} (f : X  X') (g : X'  X'')  X  X'')
  (⩽-trans-assoc     :  {X X' X'' X''' : C} (f : X  X') (g : X'  X'') (h : X''  X''')  ⩽-trans f (⩽-trans g h)  ⩽-trans (⩽-trans f g) h)
  (⩽-refl            :  {X : C}  X  X)
  (⩽-refl-unit-left  :  {X X' : C} (f : X  X')  ⩽-trans ⩽-refl f  f)
  (⩽-refl-unit-right :  {X X' : C} (f : X  X')  ⩽-trans f ⩽-refl  f)
  (_R_               : (X Y : C)  Set)
  (factor            :  {X Y Y' : C}  (r : X R Y)  (w : Y  Y')   λ X'  X  X'  X' R Y')
  (let lCtx          : {Γ Δ Δ' : C}  (r : Γ R Δ)  (w : Δ  Δ')  C    ; lCtx     = λ r w  factor r w .fst)
  (let factorWk      :  {Γ Δ Δ' : C} (r : Γ R Δ) (w : Δ  Δ')  Γ  _  ; factorWk = λ r w  factor r w .snd .fst)
  (let factorR       :  {Γ Δ Δ' : C} (r : Γ R Δ) (w : Δ  Δ')  _ R Δ' ; factorR  = λ r w  factor r w .snd .snd)
  (factor-pres-id    :  {X Y : C} (r : X R Y)  factor r ⩽-refl  (-, ⩽-refl , r))
  (factor-pres-∘     :  {X Y Y' Y'' : C} (r : X R Y) (w : Y  Y') (w' : Y'  Y'')  factor r (⩽-trans w w')  (-, ⩽-trans (factorWk r w) (factorWk (factorR r w) w') , factorR (factorR r w) w'))

open import Level using (0ℓ)

open import Relation.Binary using (Reflexive; Symmetric; Transitive; IsEquivalence; Setoid)

import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as EqReasoning

open import Type

open import Context (Ty)

import Semantics.Presheaf.Base
  C _⩽_ ⩽-refl ⩽-trans
  as PresheafBase
import Semantics.Presheaf.CartesianClosure
  C _⩽_ ⩽-trans ⩽-trans-assoc ⩽-refl ⩽-refl-unit-right ⩽-refl-unit-left
  as PresheafCartesianClosure
import Semantics.Presheaf.Necessity
  C _⩽_ ⩽-trans ⩽-trans-assoc ⩽-refl ⩽-refl-unit-right ⩽-refl-unit-left _R_ factor factor-pres-id factor-pres-∘
  as PresheafNecessity

open PresheafBase             public
open PresheafCartesianClosure public
open PresheafNecessity        public

import Semantics.Clouston.Evaluation.IML
  Psh _→̇_ _≈̇_ ≈̇-refl ≈̇-sym ≈̇-trans _∘_ ∘-pres-≈̇ ∘-assoc id'[_] id'-unit-left id'-unit-right
  []' unit' []'-eta _×'_ ⟨_,_⟩' ⟨,⟩'-pres-≈̇ π₁'[_] π₂'[_] ×'-beta-left ×'-beta-right ×'-eta ⟨,⟩'-nat
  _⇒'_ lam' lam'-pres-≈̇ app' app'-pres-≈̇ ⇒'-beta ⇒'-eta lam'-nat app'-nat
  ✦'_ ✦'-map_ ✦'-map-pres-≈̇ ✦'-map-pres-id' ✦'-map-pres-∘
  □'_ □'-map_ box' box'-pres-≈̇ λ' λ'-pres-≈̇ □'-beta □'-eta box'-nat-dom λ'-nat-dom
  as CloustonEvaluationIML

module Eval (N : Psh) where
  module CloustonEvaluationIMLEval = CloustonEvaluationIML.Eval N

  open CloustonEvaluationIMLEval public

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